For our next Touchdown interview, we caught up with Jay Robinson prior to his performance at Sundown Festival. Jay has also recently released his Rockafeller Skank remix for Fatboy Slim – LISTEN HERE
Q1. So, tell us where you departed from and landed into for the show?
I came from my house in North Wales, just a quick 5 hour drive.
Q2. Is this a one-off show, or part of a bigger tour? (If a tour, tell us where you have been so far)
I played Creamfields last weekend, now I’m at Sundown and it’s my last festival of the year! I can’t wait!
Q3. What venue are you playing tonight and who else is on the line up?
I’m playing the Jägermeister stage alongside my good friends Todd Edwards and Majestic who are doing a special b2b set straight after me. Never thought I’d be able to say that!
Q4. What is one item you can’t travel without?
Definitely my Nintendo Switch or my Steamdeck, I’m an absolute sucker for a good JRPG and Switch/Steamdeck are the only way I can sink enough time into them to actually get to the end of most games.
Q5. Tell us your typical gig schedule – do you get to see much of the places you visit?
To be totally honest it’s usually straight in and straight out for me, it’s a shame because I would love to be able to actually see the places, I visit but that’s just part of the job. Sometimes I get lucky with a day off in between shows here and there, but most of the time it’s a flying visit.
Q6. One thing you hate about being on the road?
Probably the food situation, as weird as that may sound. It’s difficult to eat healthily when you can’t cook or prepare food for yourself. It’s too easy to just grab the nearest fast food, plus it’s always much cheaper than healthy food, which is crazy when you think about it. Surely non processed food should be cheaper than processed food.
Q7. Finally, tell is the worst / funniest thing that’s happened to you whilst on the road?
I once got kicked out of an Airbnb I was staying in in San Francisco at 2am on my birthday by the owner of the apartment. He just so happened to return while I was out playing a gig and started cooking a meal for himself in just his underpants. Very bizarre situation considering it was 2am, I ended up just sitting in the airport for 8 hours waiting to fly to the next city on my tour. Good times.